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Country Song Lyrics Black Dress Hit the Floor

On this website you will find unused song lyrics written by the owners of this website.

Although the site URL suggests the lyrics are free, if you want to use the lyrics with your own original music you will need to ask for our permission first. We will reply as soon as possible with our terms for using the new song lyrics. You pay nothing to use any of our lyrics until the songs earn you some royalties. At that point we, as lyricists, take 30% of the gross royalties.

Please do NOT claim that you wrote the lyrics yourself, or you will put yourself at risk of prosecution..

Our song lyrics and your tunes make a great song.

Is this you?

Getting frustrated because as a songwriter you can write a good tune but can't find the right words to make the perfect song?
On these pages you will find a huge variety of song styles. Love songs, ballads, rock songs, comedy songs. Country and western, jazz and folk songs are also included.
Most songs have titles, those that don't we leave up to you to decide.
Songs under Lyrics 2 and 3 are listed under the writers names.

You have the tunes, we give you the words. You put them together and make the song.

By presenting sites like this with hundreds of brand new songs we felt that we would get a much bigger audience than if we posted our works on an individual basis.

You pay absolutely nothing to use any of our songs until the songs earn you some royalties. At that point we, as lyricists, take 30% of the gross royalties. That is, you keep 70% of everything that the song earns.

You can use the contact form on this website to contact us for the required permissions. There is also a link here to a PDF copy of the MU Song Share Agreement. This will need to be completed and signed by both parties before permission is granted to use our lyrics. Only when the completed song is published and earns royalties, or any other financial returns, will royalties become payable to the copyright owner.

Good luck! Enjoy your journey through all our songs. Don't just dip in and think that you have an idea of what the site is all about. Every song lyric is very different. Some are soft and some are very hard edged.

Terms and Conditions

If you'd like to use the lyrics with your own original music you will need to ask for our permission first. We will reply as soon as possible with our terms for using the new song lyrics. You pay nothing to use any of our lyrics until the songs earn you some royalties. At that point we, as lyricists, take 30% of the gross royalties.

By using any song lyric or part of a song lyric which we publish, we become entitled to receive 30% of the total royalties as holders of the copyright of the lyrics. The user of the lyrics is deemed to understand and accept this agreement as legally binding.


All songs are copyright protected. The right of the owner of this website to be identified as the author of these works has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Design and Patent Acts 1988. All rights are reserved. No part of any lyric published may be reproduced, stored or transmitted by any means without the full and unreserved acceptance of the terms contained herein.

Country Song Lyrics Black Dress Hit the Floor
